I am not dissatisfied with the service. I am dissatisfied with the price. Smedley's charged me $39.95; you, $59.28. Yesterday I got a message that my oil supply had not been changed on the car's computer, so I had to read the manual to change it. Smedley's always took care of this. Now I am wondering if the window washer was filled or other things done that I was used to getting at Smedley's.
I would like to apologize for our oversight. On occasion our technicians will miss the oil reset procedure. We are a full service facility and service all makes and models. It is a continuing challenge to keep up with the constant change in technology and drive features such as the oil reset with every manufacturer. This is not an excuse but rather a little insight to how this mistake can be made. Thanks you for letting us know and we have already made changes in our procedure to correct the problem. The full synthetic oil change on your car was performed by ASE master certified technicians and coupled with a comprehensive inspection of your vehicles vital systems. Our prices reflect that and we are here to provide you a service that is the lowest cost by servicing your entire vehicle and not just changing the oil.
- Jeff's Automotive